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St John the Baptist’s College, Portadown



Mathematics is a core subject that opens doors and provides opportunities: doors to employment and further/higher educational courses and opportunities to learn about the relevance of mathematics to everyday life.

Mathematics is all around us. It exists in the proportions of artistic works, in the scores of our favourite songs and in the physical structures we live and work in daily. It is also the bedrock of many other subjects including the Sciences, Economics and Engineering and is extremely relevant to subjects like Psychology and Design.

The study of mathematics can develop a host of skills that are essential to students continuing in their studies as well as those currently in or entering the workplace. These include problem-solving, logic and reasoning, and attention to detail. Mathematics links with several other curricular areas such as TD, Science, HE, PE and Business Studies. It can also lead to careers in finance, business, IT and teaching, among others.


  • Mrs D Kerr  (Head of Department)
  • Ms M Hughes (Numeracy Co-ordinator)
  • Mrs A Hughes
  • Mrs J Scullion
  • Mr B McCambridge
  • Mr R Smith
  • Mr C McNeill
  • Ms C O'Neill
  • Ms A O'Neill
  • Mr D McLaughlin

Aims of Department

The aims of teaching Mathematics are:

  • to make Mathematics a pleasant and enjoyable pursuit;
  • to encourage the effectiveness of Mathematics as a tool in a wide range of activities within both school and adult life;
  • to make pupils aware of the importance of mathematics in the analysis and communication of information and ideas;
  • to develop an appreciation of the relationships within Mathematics;
  • to facilitate the development of an awareness of the fascination of Mathematics;
  • to show Mathematics as a process, as a creative activity in which pupils can be involved;
  • to encourage pupils to work in a systematic way;
  • to encourage pupils to work both independently and cooperatively in appropriate situations;
  • to enable pupils to gain confidence and to tackle mathematical tasks without anxiety and apprehension.

KS3 Overview

“Number rules the Universe.”

Pythagoras  560-480 B.C.



The Mathematics Department is one of the most successful GCSE departments in school. 

At Key Stage 3, 100% of students are achieving Level 5 to Level 8 in Key Stage 3 Using Mathematics.

Our Key Stage 4 data and continuous assessments show all students will achieve at least their GL predicted grade with a large majority achieving at least one grade higher.

Key Stage 3 Mathematics

In Years 8, 9 and 10 all pupils follow a course which covers the requirements of the New Revised Curriculum.  We also provide opportunities for students to work through higher level thinking and problem solving beyond Level 8 in class.

In the Mathematics departments students are usually taught by the same teacher for the three years. This allows for consistency in the delivery of the curriculum, and also fosters good classroom relationship between teacher and pupil. Mathematics classes in the top band are streamed by ability.  Class placement is aided by the evidence provided from diagnostic testing at the end of the previous academic year.  All other classes are taught in their registration groups. All students cover the four statutory attainment targets:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Shape, Space and Measure
  • Data Handling

Year 10 Mathematics classes are scheduled at the same time.  This affords the department the opportunity to move students across groups while maintaining their pastoral form class structure.

Here are further sites at each specific key stage that you might also find useful.

KS4 Overview

High Achievers

Gifted and Talented students at Key Stage 3

Students that are naturally gifted in Mathematics will be given the opportunity to further their knowledge and understanding by attending a weekly Mathematics enhancement classes in Years 8, 9 and 10 with the view to sitting their G.C.S.E. at the end of Year 10.

These students will also represent the school in the UK Maths Challenge and the UK Maths Team Challenge in February and April respectively.

Students with a passion for Chess and Draughts can also join the Games club in Mrs Hughes room every Tuesday at lunchtime.

Gifted and Talented students in Primary 7

The enhancement programme will also be available to our local feeder Primary schools.  Primary 7 students will be given the opportunity to attend our ‘High Achievers’ class for both Mathematics and English on a Tuesday morning.

GCSE Mathematics

Pupils in Years 11 and 12 are assigned to sets according to their performance and progress. Pupils have Mathematics lessons four times per week while in school. The Mathematics department regularly consolidate and extend pupils learning away from the classroom via a range of home learning tasks.

KS4 Curriculum (Years 10/11/12)

GCSE Mathematics

Exam Board: CCEA

This is a two-year unitised course, with a new specification for first teaching from September 2017. It is assessed by exam only, there is no coursework or controlled assessment.

Two Modules:

 Year 11 – 45% of GCSE – one calculator paper (M1 – M4)

 Year 12 – 55% of GCSE – two papers – one non-calculator and one calculator


 Both examinations take place on the same day.






Unit M1

External written examination withcalculator


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2018)

Unit M5 Completion Test

1 hr 45 minutes 2 external written examinations:

Paper 1 without calculator 1 hour 10 min

Paper 2 with calculator 1 hour 10 mins


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2019)

Grades D, E, F, G

Level 1 in Function Maths





Unit M2

External written examination withcalculator

1 hr 45 mins


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2018)

Unit M6 Completion Test

2 external written examinations:

Paper 1 withoutcalculator 1 hour 10 mins

Paper 2 withcalculator 1 hour 10 mins


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2019)

Grades C*, C, D, E, F

Level 1/2 in Functional Maths






Unit M3

External written examination withcalculator


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2018)

Unit M7 Completion Test

2 hours 2 external written examinations:

Paper 1 withoutcalculator 1 hour 15 minutes

Paper 2 withcalculator 1 hour 15 minutes


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2018)





Unit M4

External written examination withcalculator

2 hours


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2018)

Unit M8 Completion Test

2 external written examinations:

Paper 1 withoutcalculator 1 hour 15 minutes

Paper 2 withcalculator 1 hour 15 minutes


January and Summer (beginning Summer 2019)

Grades A*, A, B, C*, C



GCSE Further Mathematics

Exam Board: CCEA

This is a new specification for first teaching from September 2017. It is a two-year unitised course assessed by exam only, there is no coursework or controlled assessment.  Students have the option of choosing this subject in Year 10 GCSE Options.

Three Modules:

 Year 11 –   Unit 2 Mechanics worth 25% of GCSE

                       Unit 3 Statistics worth 25% of GCSE

 Year 12 -  Unit 1 Pure Mathematics worth 50% of GCSE

KS4 useful links to help students for revision:

and videos at any stage of the day.

Aims, Goals & Targets

As an ever growing and improving department we have already achieved a number of successful milestones for this year.

With the introduction of GCSEs, we are running after school revision classes for Higher, Intermediate and Foundation tier. We provide a number of High Achievers classes for both our own KS3 pupils and the primary 7 pupils from the local primary schools. Within the Maths department, we cater for the needs of all pupils by providing both learning mentors, numeracy withdrawals as well as in class support.

In order to encourage Maths and promote confidence within the classroom, we run a Numeracy Fun Club at lunch time where pupils can participate in various Maths games and activities.  We also hold a ‘Fun Friday’ session for all Year 8 students every two weeks.

In order to continually grow and improve as a department, we strive to enable all pupils to engage in learning and teaching and therefore achieve success in Maths. Our aim for KS3 is to promote higher order thinking through problem solving and group work activities. We will continue to run a Numeracy Fun Day filled with engaging activities that will ensure every pupil has the opportunity to participate at their own level. At KS4, we aim to ensure every pupil meets or succeeds their personal target grade.

Competitions / Links with Companies

Students across all Key Stages have the opportunity to participate in Mathematical related competitions as well as career sessions.

UK Mathematics Challenge – Junior and Intermediate challenges will run after Christmas.  Maths teachers will contact parents in due course to inform of participation.

Maths Week Ireland – This competition is for KS3 students and commences 14th October with students participating in teacher tiered questions online.

CITI Pay It Forward – SJBC works closely with CITI group in facilitating financial capability workshops and careers events for our GCSE Higher and Further Mathematics students.


14th Oct 2024
STEM Club returns Tuesday after school. Take a look at what the stem club got up...
8th Feb 2024
KS3 Students had a great day at Prison Island, Belfast for a Problem Solving session...
23rd Jan 2024
Well done to all our high achievers from St John the Baptist Primary School and Presentation...
17th Jan 2024
SJBC wishes to appoint a Numeracy Support Assistant. The ideal candidate would have...
17th Oct 2023
Amy is Miss O'Hagan and Miss Duffy's Numeracy Ninja. Well done!
13th Oct 2023
St John the Baptist PS came into school today to take part in several STEM activities....
25th Sep 2023
PWC are running a 'Girls in STEM' event on Wednesday, 11th October 2023, from 5pm...
12th Sep 2023
Axel in 8C won Miss O’Hagan’s Numeracy Ninjas award for amazing mental...