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St John the Baptist’s College, Portadown

Preparation for Adult Life (PAL)

Preparation for Adult Life (PAL) provides learners with the opportunity to:

  • Develop personal skills such as self-awareness, personal health and relationships
  • Develop an understanding of:
  1. Roles and responsibilities of parents
  2. Diversity and inclusion, human rights, social responsibility, equality and social justice
  3. Work in the local and global economy
  4. Relationships at work and diversity within the workplace
  5. Sustainable development, health and safety considerations
  6. Impact of globalisation on work opportunities
  • Develop employability skills
  • Apply their learning in a practical context


For the Level 2 Certificate in Preparation for Adult Life all 13 Units are mandatory and are completed by compiling portfolios of evidence.


Unit 1: Diversity and Social Inclusion

Unit 2: Democracy and Democratic Participation

Unit 3: Human Rights and Social Responsibility

Unit 4: Equality and Social Justice


Unit 5: Preparation for Work

Unit 6: Business in the Community 

Unit 7: Effective Work Practice

Unit 8: Globalisation and the Labour Market

Personal and Social Development

Unit 9: Self-Development

Unit 10: Roles and Responsibilities of Parents

Unit 11: Healthy Relationships

Unit 12: Maintaining Personal Health and Well-Being

Unit 13: Effective Financial Management