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St John the Baptist’s College, Portadown

Year 11


Year 11 Progress Leader

Mrs McKeever 

Year 11 Form Classes

11A - Ms S. Murphy

11B - Miss C. Conway

11C - Mr R. McAleenan / Mr C. McGourty

11V - Mrs S. McCann


Our Year 11 Cohort 2022-23


Year 11 Prefects

Congratulations to our Yr11 Prefects and good luck in your new role .


Form Teacher Awards


Congratulations to our Year 11 form class winners for the month of September. Winners include: Austeja 11(C), Aine L (11B), Noah (11A), Chasquia (11V). They are pictured with their Year 11 Progress leader Mrs McKeever ⭐️


Congratulations to our Year 11 achievement winners for the month of March.

Most of our pupils were rewarded for their hard work, dedication and excellent results in their Easter assessments.

11A - Chelsey          


11B - Eoin (not pictured)          


11C - Bethany          


11V - Alan          

         Shea (not pictured)



Year 11 Induction trip to South Lake Watersports Craigavon.


Young Enterpise

Year 11 Study skills with Young Enterprise. Thank you to Sam who delivered a very informative and important session to our pupils as they approach exam time.  

Fireworks safety talk

Year 11‘s had a fireworks safety talk today from the Portadown Fire service ahead of Halloween holidays.


Shared Ed residential

And we’re off !! SJBC & KJHS depart for Shared Ed residential.   Day 2 fun. Great day on Portrush beach bodyboarding and beach games.

Mindset and Resilience workshop


Year 11 took part in a Mindset and Resilience workshop with Tommy Stevenson this week. Some very positive messages shared and great input from all pupils. Well done Year11’s


Year 11 News

25th Jun 2024
Portadown Boat Club are running a learn to row scheme in the summer. All details...
25th Jun 2024
Mrs Hughes and Miss Barker attended Titanic Centre in Belfast for their annual...
25th Jun 2024
10c on a trip to Greenhill YMCA today, with the Empower2Transform group.