Modern Languages

The Modern Languages Department in St John the Baptist's College currently offers Irish, French and Spanish across KS3/4.
Leader of Learning:
Ms A. Bradley (Irish, French, Spanish)
Mr M. McConville (Irish, French, Spanish)
Miss S. Morgan (French, Spanish, Italian)
Miss C. McGoldrick (Irish)
Our Departmental Vision
- To promote the study of languages within the school community.
- To give each pupil an appreciation of other cultures and a passion for language learning.
- To provide exciting, engaging and stimulating lessons which will be tailored to meet the needs of all learners allowing them to achieve their individual potential.
- To provide a firm basis in the language for those who wish to pursue languages at KS4/5 and third level education.
- To help pupils to develop an understanding of Modern Languages in a variety of contexts and for practical use.
- To prepare students for later life, developing transferable skills for an increasingly globalised world.
In Modern Languages we endeavour to:
- improve pupil communication skills
- develop their confidence and self-awareness
- encourage learner autonomy and independence
- develop digital literacy of learners
- provide opportunities for pupils to experience life abroad for themselves
GCSE Results 2022

The Modern Languages department prides itself on ensuring that all pupils are supported in achieving their full potential and we are delighted to say that 100% of pupils entered in GCSE Irish, French and Spanish achieved Grades A*-C. In addition to this, 33.3% of pupils studying Irish went on to pursue Irish A-Level, and 25% of pupils studying French went on to pursue French A-level, which is testament to the interest and love for languages that is nurtured in our students during their time in the college.
KS3 Overview
Key Stage 3
Year 8
Students learn vocabulary and grammar related to School life, Self & Family, The Weather, Days, Months and Seasons, Food and Meals, Numbers and Time. They are able to speak, read and write about these topics and also to have a conversation in Irish with peers.
Year 9
Students learn vocabulary and grammar related to Pastimes, Daily Routine and Weekend Activities, Health & Lifestyle, Shopping and Public Services. As well has being able to talk about these topics with their peers, they will learn Irish through language games and practical exercises like role plays and drama. They will be able to wear the ‘cúpla focal’ badge in recognition of your ability.
Year 10
Students learn vocabulary and grammar related to The Present and Future Tenses, House and Area, School and Future Plans and Holidays. Pupils also take part in the annual Gael-Linn inter-school quiz.
Irish-medium provision
We value students who have come from our local Irish-medium primary school or who have been raised through Irish. Through a combination of withdrawal classes, one-to-one teaching, independent study and extension work, students continue to develop and enrich their Irish through literature, on-line learning resources and extra-curricular activities.
Students who have an Irish-medium background are offered the opportunity to sit OCN or GCSE Irish in Year 10 if they have reached the appropriate level to do so.
Key Stage 3
Through a range of topics pupils are engaged in active learning and e-learning nurturing the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing as well as an awareness of essential grammar and structures.
Year 8
Personal details/ Family/ School/ Pastimes/ Numbers/ Time/ Weather/ Days of the Week/ Months and Seasons
Project work on France also promotes an appreciation of French life and culture.
Year 9
Food & drink/ Clothes/ Health/Television/ Cinema/ Daily routine/ Helping at home
Year 10
Travel/ Paris/ Personality/The World of Work/ Environmental Issues/ Music/ School
An emphasis on Career Opportunities also enables pupils to appreciate how the study of French can enhance employability. Pupils have the opportunity to take part in Queen's University Belfast Franco fest business enterprise competition.
Spanish was introduced to our school curriculum in 2019 after consultation with both pupils and parents who felt the study of additional language would greatly benefit our pupils. The Spanish department is continually expanding and now pupils are offered the opportunity to study both Spanish/French across KS3/4.
Key Stage 3
Using contemporary teaching and learning resources accompanied by an on-line learning applications, students learn vocabulary and grammar related to Greetings, Self, Family, School, Weather, Hobbies and Travel.
KS4 Overview
At Key Stage 4, our offering of qualifications is continually expanding with both GCSE and OCN qualifications currently being facilitated to ensure students of all abilities have the opportunity to study a Modern Language at KS4. We currently offer GCSE Irish, French and Spanish, OCN Irish, French, Spanish and Italian, as well as GCSE Portuguese and GCSE Polish.
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
Year 11 & 12 pupils have the opportunity to study Irish to GCSE level, completing exams in the four attainment targets areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. While the main focus at this level is on developing oral fluency, creativity and confidence are also fostered through grammar and reading exercises. For the Irish Department, enjoyment is key to success, and good teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil relationships play a vital role in the overall success of our students
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
The transition to GCSE promotes continuity and progression building on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed at Key Stage 3.
Through 3 Contexts for Learning:
1: Identity, Lifestyle and Culture
2: Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest
3: School Life, studies and the World of Work
Topics previously covered are extended enabling students to confidently investigate, understand, describe, discuss and give opinions. The focus is on sound manipulation of language, clarity of communication and creativity in a happy and hard working environment.
Key Stage 4
Year 11 & 12 pupils have the opportunity to study Spanish to GCSE level, following the CCEA course of study. They undertake exams in the four attainment areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. While the main focus at this level is on developing oral fluency, creativity and confidence are also fostered through grammar and reading exercises. In the Spanish Department, good teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil relationships play a vital role in the overall success of our students.