The prospect of your child moving from primary school to secondary school is an exciting time but can also be daunting, for the child and also for parents/carers.
Below are the answers to some key questions, your child may have about life in SJBC!
What time is break and dinner?
Break time is at 11:00 and lasts for 15 minutes.
KS3 Lunch time is at 12:45 and lasts for 45 minutes.
KS4 Lunch time is at 1:30 and lasts for 45 minutes.
At breaktime each day you will be able to avail of the canteen which has a selection of hot and cold foods. The school canteen provides a wide range of food options such as paninis, soup, sausages or chips to main courses like lasagna, chicken curry or Irish stew. In addition, the salad bar provides fresh salads, wraps and fruit. We are delighted to have introduced a new hot chocolate facility this year also.
At St John the Baptist’s College we use a ‘cashless’ biometric canteen system.
This means that you don’t hand over cash at the till.
Pupils can top-up their accounts by inserting cash into the machines using their fingerprint.
On your first day at St John the Baptist’s College, you will be given guidance on how to use the cashless canteen
What afterschool clubs are there?
St. John the Baptist’s College offer a wide range of extracurricular activities that take place in the morning, lunch and after school. They include:
- Soccer
- Performing Arts
- Cookery
- Ukulele club
- Basketball
- Cross country running
- Spanish
- Numeracy club
- Homework club
- Choir
- GCSE revision classes
- High Achiever classes for Mathematics and English
- Creative writing
- Book Club
- KS3 quiet lunch club
- Coding/gaming
- Eco club
- Breakfast club
- Lunch club
These clubs are a great way of making new friends from other form classes.
Are the older students kind and supportive?

The older students are nice and helpful. They make us feel welcome and supported by helping us out on the corridors and making sure we know where we’re going. They are always willing to walk us to a classroom if we’re unsure of where to go.
We have Peer Mentors and they are our Year 8 ‘Buddies’. They will be there to help and support you in school. They will take you to your lessons, and to your break and lunch times. You can also ask them any questions you may have.
How many different subjects are there?
There are a lot of different subjects in the college. The main subjects are Maths, English and Science. But you also get to study Art, Home Economics, P.E, Geography, History, Technology, Learning for Life and Work, Music, Business Innovation and Modern Foreign Languages such as: French, Irish and Spanish.
Will the work be too hard for me?
No! There is no need to worry about the school work before joining the college. You are placed into classes that target your ability. The teacher is always there to help and we get lots of time to work with our peers in groups. We are pushed to reach our full potential in all subjects through extension tasks.
How much homework do you get each week?
You get homework every day (Monday to Thursday) but very rarely get homework over the weekend. We have a homework club where you can get help from a teacher to complete your homework. You’re kept busy with homework but it’s never too much. Your teachers are there to help you and if you’re overwhelmed with homework you can let them know.
Homework is assigned through an online platform called 'Satchel One'. It is really easy to use, and your form teacher will help you set it up on your first day.
What happens if I forget something?
If you forget something, for example homework, you can use the school’s online platforms (Google Classroom or Satchel One) to upload your homework when you get home.
Is it easy to make new friends?

Yes, it is very easy to make new friends. At the beginning of term, in your form class you will participate in “getting to know you” activities and lots of team building activities. Getting involved in clubs and activities is another way of making new friends and we have lots to choose from!
Is it easy to understand your new timetable?

On the first day of school, your form teacher will give you your new timetable. They will go through it with you and help you to colour code it. This makes it a lot easier to read and understand.
You will also be brought on a tour of the school with your form teacher; you will see where your classrooms are and will meet your new subject teachers.
We follow a two week timetable, which will also be available to check on your Satchel One!
What are the teachers like?
The teachers are so supportive and welcoming. We are ‘one big family’ here at the college. Everyone looks out for each other. The teachers also deliver lots of exciting and engaging lessons. Teachers will be there to help you if you get lost, either with your work or on the corridors.