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St John the Baptist�s College, Portadown

Credit Union Savings Accounts now available through St. John the Baptist's College.

20th Oct 2017

Are you interested in setting up a savings account with your local Credit Union Branch?

You can now open a Minor Savings Account, which offers lots of incentives and reasons to save. All you have to do to register is bring a parent/guardian along to the school on Friday 27th October to fill out the required information.


Your parent/Guardian will be required to bring along the following:


Address Verification

One of the following:

·         Valid current Passport

·         Valid current photo card driving licence

·         Valid Electoral identity card

·         Valid Firearm Certificate

One of the following:

·         Current Utility Bill

·         Current bank statement

·         Government issued documentation (i.e. Child benefit/Tax Credits)

What is a minor account?

A minor account is an account held by a member of Portadown Credit Union, who is under sixteen years of age. These accounts can be set up from birth and require a parent/guardian as signatory, as well as the minor after the age of seven. A minor account also earns a interest on an annual basis, again at a performance based rate. The maximum amount permitted in a minor account is £5000.

Click on the link below for more information from your local branch-